Gastric balloon operation, also called gastric balloon, is performed with an endoscopic procedure. It does not require a surgical procedure. The contents of the balloon are; It is a balloon that is inflated with air or liquid produced from silicone. In this method, the obese individual is put to sleep at a moderate depth.
Then the balloon is dropped into the stomach cavity with an endoscopic procedure, that is, a finger-thick device that is lowered through the mouth. The stomach also aims to weaken by creating a mass effect, giving the individual a feeling of satiety. It also prolongs the emptying time of the stomach.
In this method, obesity can initially give 15-20% of the individual’s weight. But there are some cases that obesity individual can not even lose 5 kilos. Sometimes; it is a condition that can vary according to the person that obesity individual cannot tolerate the balloon in the stomach and demands to be removed. In a normal process, balloon obesity is removed from the individual in the process of 6-12 months.
When the obesity is removed, the individual should continue to follow the given nutrition program and exercise program. Otherwise, the lost weight can be recovered quickly.
For this reason, the gastric balloon first method can be applied as a preoperative preparation, especially in super obese people who are very overweight, that is, their BMI is around 55.
It may be insufficient to use it completely as a single solution in the treatment of obesity. Since it does not affect the metabolism, it may be insufficient. Obesity is not a method that can be applied to achieve long-term results in the individual. Because it does not exactly offer a solution to the problem of obesity.
Before The Operation
In gastric balloon operation, the time of placing the balloon in the stomach takes about 15-20 minutes. Dec. The obese individual leaves the hospital during the day of the operation.
In some necessary cases, the patient may be hospitalized for one day. In addition, no matter how simple the gastric balloon procedure seems to be, it can sometimes cause serious complications in the patient in line with the low probability. For example, there is also a possibility that the air or liquid inside the balloon will burst.
If it explodes, it can cause blockage of the intestinal or stomach outlet. Another possibility is that the balloon can irritate the stomach. Irritation can perforate the stomach, that is, it can pierce the stomach wall and cause a life-threatening infection.
In addition, stomach ulcers, esophageal irritation (esophagitis) can be in such cases. Gastric balloon operation cannot be performed in individuals who have undergone tube stomach surgery. Because after bariatric surgery, it is impossible to place the gastric balloon, which occupies a large space in volume, since the patient’s stomach has already shrunk.
In particular, the gastric balloon procedure is recommended for patients who cannot have obesity operations. For example; serious heart failure, serious COPD disease, that is, general narcosis can be considered for people who cannot be made. However, as with other patients, it does not give serious successful results in patients who cannot be operated on.
After The Operation
After the gastric balloon operation, the obesity individual needs to change his/her eating pattern. Especially in the process of getting used to the stomach of the balloon placed in the stomach, a special diet should be applied. As long as obesity continues to carbohydrate foods in the individual diet, the effect of the balloon will not be at all.
As long as alcohol is used, it will not have the same effect. In other words, nutrition and exercise program should be strictly applied after the gastric balloon procedure. At the same time, medications that reduce stomach cramps and protect the stomach after gastric balloon are also prescribed by the doctor. And it has to be used.
In some cases, the balloon may cause side effects in the patient. For example, the patient may experience complaints such as stomach ulcers, esophageal ulcers, unbearable nausea, stomach perophoration, pains, cramps. In such cases, the balloon should be removed urgently before the 6-12-month process is expected.
The gastric balloon remains in the stomach approximately December 6-12 months. As a result of this time, when the balloon is removed from the stomach, the patient, unfortunately, can gain weight quickly.
This is the most important process for the obesity patient. Because when the balloon comes out, the patient completely returns to the beginning. What is recommended is that the patient completely changes his eating habits with the introduction of a balloon and accustoms himself to a completely new order.
If the nutrition and exercise program is applied regularly and the individual corrects his nutritional awareness and then continues with this stability, he can get more positive results.
No surgical procedure can be performed when there is a balloon in the stomach. But when the balloon is removed, gastric surgery can be considered after 2-3 months at the earliest. However, it is essential to perform an endoscopy before this surgical procedure is performed.
Elipse Gastric Balloon (Balloon that Can be Swallowed)
Elipse gastric balloon, that is, a balloon that can be swallowed briefly, is a newly developed method. In this method, endoscopic placement in the stomach is not performed.
An obese patient swallows a large pill-shaped object connected to a cable at the end in the radiology department. Then, with the X-ray control, it is checked whether this body reaches the stomach.
After the object reaches the stomach, the object is inflated and becomes a balloon, and its connection with the cable at the end is severed and left in the stomach. After that, the balloon deflates on its own and is expelled through the intestinal tract.
Just like the other balloon method, it is difficult to achieve great success in this method afterwards.